Multimedia Scrapbook


Here you can learn more about Doctor Who, see photos of the main actors, interesting facts of their biographes, videos, cool quiz and fans' pictures. 

There are 3 main doctors, also called as "New Doctors", and it is very important to know everything about each Doctor, because all of them are one  person, who regenerated while having a danger of his life:
  1. The Ninth Doctor opend the era of New Doctors. The Actor's name is Christopher Eccleston.
    Here you can see his all information about him as an actor. 
  2. The Tenth Doctor's name is David Tennant. By the way, he was the most beloved with fans of the series. Here is all information about "his" Doctor. 
  3. And last but not the least - The Eleventh Doctor, whose name is Matt Smith. He is my favourite and here you can learn all about his life as a Doctor. 

Did you know? This page will give you very interesting facts about the series. 

A huge role in Doctor's life have his companions. Clicking on the name of each person you'll see their photos. They are: Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Amelia Pond, Rory Williams, River Song, Rose Tyler and Clara Oswald

Ever wondered which of the Doctor's companions you most identify with? Take this quiz to find out!

Here you can watch a breath-taking video, which includes all regenerations, starting from the very beginning! 

What about fan-art pictures?

Here is the list of awards and nominations received by Doctor Who.

And of course it is important to know about the time-machine. The nature of it's work, or it's colour, or anything else.

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